Published 19.9.2024
Ympäristöjohtamisen yhdistys YJY ry rewards high quality theses on environmental and sustainability management in 2024. The prizes will be awarded in two categories:
- higher education (Master’s thesis, YAMK theses)
- Bachelor’s degrees (Bachelor’s thesis, AMK final thesis)
The prize is a scholarship of up to €1000 for both categories. The organisers reserve the right to award more than one prize. The winners will be announced at the Ympäristöjohtamisen yhdistys YJY ry’s Christmas party in December 2024 and on the association’s website.
The thesis competition is open to entries completed after 1 October 2022. To be considered for the award, the thesis must have a very good or commendable final grade: for example, a grade of at least 4 on a scale of 1-5 or at least magna cum laude approbatur. The language of the work may be Finnish or English.
A thesis is a final project related to the completion of a degree, usually a personal thesis. Students’ project work or other work related to their studies will not be accepted. In addition, classified or confidential materials cannot be taken into account in the assessment.
You can submit your thesis by the end of October 2024. Please include up-to-date contact details of the author.
A supervisor’s statement is requested, including a concise (maximum one page) description of the thesis’s specific merits, such as its novelty in its field, its applicable benefits for business and/or society, and its methodological or scientific merit.
The work proposed for the award, the author’s contact details and any other attachments should be sent as PDF files by e-mail to yjy.puheenjohtaja(at) by 31 October 2024 at the latest. The subject line of the message should read ”Thesis Award 2024 [author’s surname].”
For further information on the competition, please contact Ayla Dincay, Chair of the YJY Board: yjy.puheenjohtaja(a)